
個人情報: Appleの戦術的勝利?

米・司法省とアップル Inc.との個人情報保護論争。司法省のロック解除要請を跳ね返してきたアップルが判定勝ちをおさめるかとみられてきたが、最終的にはFBIが自らの力でロックを解除できる見通しとなり、状況がまた少し変わってきたようだ。

The Justice Department decided Monday to drop its lawsuit against Apple Inc., saying that the Federal Bureau of Investigation, aided by a third party, had unlocked the iPhone belonging to Syed Rizwan Farook, one of two gunmen in the San Bernardino, Calif., attack, and no longer needed the company’s help. 
The government didn’t disclose how it got into the phone, or whether that vulnerability remains open for others to exploit in the future. 
It isn’t clear whether the government will share the information with Apple, but officials said Tuesday that there are good reasons to keep the company in the dark—at least for now. Chief among those, they said, was Apple’s resistance to helping investigators unlock its phones. 
Meanwhile, the FBI is working to determine whether the method used to crack Mr. Farook’s iPhone 5C might work on other models of the phone, according to people familiar with the matter.

Source: Wall Street Journal, 3-29, 2016


そして、今回対象となったiPhone 5C以外の機種にも解除技術は応用可能だろうと伝えられている。







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