本日のDaily TelegraphにこんなG8報道がある。
Today, David Cameron welcomed world leaders including Barack Obama, Angela Merkel and François Hollande to the G8 summit in Northern Ireland.The summit was opened with a statement announcing the EU-US trade deal, which leaders hope will help to secure the global economic recovery. The deal is expected to lift a series of taxes and tariffs on inter-continental business, leading to a single market stretching from eastern Europe to the Pacific coast of America.The Prime Minister said it would be worth £11 billion to Britain, the equivalent of £384 for every household, bringing two million new jobs and “lower prices in the shops”. (Source)The Telegraph, Tuesday 18 June 2013
保守党の政治家ケネス・クラーク(Kenneth Clarke)が発言している。
However, in today’s article, Mr Clarke, a well-known supporter of the EU, unlike many of his Tory Cabinet colleagues, says that this country will not be able to participate in this deal and others without its single market membership. “Irony of ironies, it is of course the EU that is making deals with the United States and Canada possible,” Mr Clarke says. “It should come as no surprise that Obama’s officials have commented that they would have 'very little appetite’ for a deal with the British alone.”
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