
欧州 — ま、とりあえずの時間稼ぎ戦術

『ギリシア救済』合意については、例えば以下のような論評がある。「やったもの勝ちの国家戦略」という正論をどうどうと大手マスメディアで展開するAmbrose Evans-Pritchard氏が続編のような意見を開陳しているので書き留めておく。本文全体はここにある — ずっと保存されていればいいのだが。最長何年まで閲覧できるのだろう。これもその内調べておこう。まず基本的目線。
Greek elections in April are likely to sweep away the political class tainted by the hated "Memorandum" of the EU-IMF Troika, with the once dominant PASOK party down to 13pc in the latest poll and votes peeling away to the Communists, the Democratic Left, and Syriza.



Alexis Tsipras, the Syriza leader, told the Greek parliament on Tuesday that his country was victim of a "terrorist" assault. "This agreement is binding only on those who signed it. The accord carries the signature of a government with no popular legitimacy. It does not bind Greek democracy, or Greek society, or the Left. Very soon the sovereign people will regain their sovereignty," he said.


There have been no bailouts so far, only loan packages. Countries trapped in EMU with overvalued exchange rates and no control over monetary policy face the choice of immense pain or "dignified exits" from the euro, he said.

For now, Europe's leaders are holding to their line that Greece is a special case, refusing to acknowledge that the EMU drama is at root a North-South trade crisis, compounded by contractionary polices that have tipped Club Med back into recession and made the task that much harder. It may take more than Greece to force epiphany. (Source: The  Telegraph, 9:13PM GMT 21 Feb 2012)


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