
いまの政治家のお気に入り ― 瀬戸際戦術



小生は、英紙Daily TelegraphのWEB版"The Telegraph"に寄稿しているAmbrose Evans-Pritchard氏のコラム記事をGoogle Readerの登録フィードに入れてある。その最新記事はヨーロッパがギリシアと展開している危険な政治ゲームについてである。

Europe's nuclear brinkmanship with Greece is a lethal game

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Youth unemployment up to the age of 24 reached a fresh record of 53.8pc in February.
The rate for those aged 25-34 rose to 29.1pc. 
The total rate hit 21.7pc but will soon be much higher as 150,000 public sector workers are chopped – with pro-cyclical effects, in the middle of a depression – to comply with the EU-IMF Memorandum. 
Polls show that 70pc or even 80pc of Greeks still wish to stay in the euro, while at the same voting in large numbers for hard-Left and hard-Right parties committed to tearing up the Memorandum – a course of action that will take them straight out of the euro. 
I do not wish to reproach the Greeks for cognitive dissonance.
(Source: The Telegraph, May 10th, 2012) 
Greeks have yet to conclude that the euro itself is the cause of their catastrophe – though they are getting there. By the euro, I mean the whole structure of monetary union, made worse under current policy settings (incompetence). There can be no possible escape from this lamentable state of affairs at this late stage until they return to the drachma.
Actual devaluations have the opposite effect. They prevent unemployment from rocketing, instead forcing down demand for imported goods. Iceland’s jobless rate is 7.5pc, nota bene, and its economy grew 2.9pc last year (OECD data). Remember all those dire predictions about Iceland, all those tut-tuts that it was paying a terrible price for clinging to the illusion of a sovereign currency? Even the great Prof Barry Eichengreen fell for that one. His other work redeems him. 
Like many journalists, I am bombarded with reports asserting that Greece would suffer near total collapse if forced out of EMU, with some claiming that GDP would fall by 50pc with inflation spiralling into the hyper-sphere. 
These numbers are plucked out of thin air. None of the analysts know what they are talking about, and Europe’s political elites – the elites that created this impasse – know even less.
We were told almost religiously that Britain could not safely leave the Gold Standard in 1931 or the ERM in 1992, or that such moves would set off dangerous inflation, and were told much else besides by the shroud-waving hysterics and defenders of the status quo.
We know what actually happened. The UK had its best decade ever relative to other major powers in the 1930s, at least in modern times. Its democracy remained rock solid through the late Depression as others crumbled one by one, or ended in paralysis as in France.



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この<ダイジョブ、ダイジョブ精神>。その精神を発揮するのなら、せめて積極的投資戦略で発揮してほしいものだ。そうすれば日本国の役に立つ。自社の経営では<ダイジョブか?>と臆病風に吹かれつつ、自社に関係しないところでは<ダイジョブ、ダイジョブ>と我田引水をはかる。もしそうなら、トータルでは結局自分は何もしないということであり、マクロ的にこういう行動をとると日本のGDPは、早晩、韓国はもちろん、タイやベトナムにも抜かれてしまうであろう。というか、Maddisonの"Contours of the World Economy"によれば、韓国には一人当たりGDPで2030年には抜かれるであろうと予測されている。


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