
ホンノ一言: 風車に突撃するドン・キホーテと化したFRBでなければイイが・・・



Source:日本経済新聞、 2022年8月28日 2:00


NYTに寄稿しているクルーグマン(Paul Krugman)はこんな風に現状判断をしている:

And this may create a dilemma for policymakers. The Fed believes (correctly, I think) that the U.S. economy is running too hot and needs to be cooled off; it uses core inflation as a way to measure that overheating. But housing is a large part of core inflation. And pretty soon we’re likely to have a situation in which official measures of housing costs are rising although we no longer have a hot economy, because official measures are still catching up with the Virginia Woolf effect.

Source:The New York Times, Aug. 19, 2022


バージニア・ウルフは秀作『灯台へ(To the Lighthouse)』で著名な作家である。そのウルフは執筆には居心地の良い部屋がいると言った。その思いはテレワークに励むビジネスマンにも共通している。だから良い部屋を求め、家賃が上昇しているのだ、これは物価一般の上昇であるインフレとは別の現象だ。そう考えているわけだ ― それはそうかもしれない。が、何だか1980年代後半、首都圏の地価急上昇を『今の地価上昇は国際金融都市としての東京の将来性を先取りした現象であり、根拠のないバブルではない』、こんな解釈をしていた経済学者を思い起こさせるのではあるが。

これに対して、サマーズ(Lawrence Summers)はどちらかというと<インフレ・タカ派>である。最近の所見は次の記事から察せられる。

Meantime, China’s current slowdown “probably will” give some relief for the US in terms of inflation, in particular through its effect on commodity prices, Summers said. 

The former Treasury chief reiterated his call for Federal Reserve policy makers not to be lulled into thinking that decelerating headline inflation -- thanks to oil and commodity-price declines -- means that the inflation challenge is subsiding. 

Summers said that US inflation expectations -- which show confidence in price gains returning toward 2% over the longer haul -- have been propelled by oil and commodity-price declines. But core measures of inflation aren’t showing progress, he said.


Source: Bloomberg、2022年8月19日 2:34 JST

Author:Chris Anstey




投資家の利益ということなら、Telegraphのプリッチャード(Ambrose Evans-Pritchard)が論旨鮮明だ。

There is every sign that the Fed actively wishes to crater equity prices in order to restrain demand through the wealth effect. It wishes to push up junk yield spreads and restore some Schumpeterian discipline to corporate finance. It wishes to tighten financial conditions as a mechanism for choking inflation. It is a “tug of war” between the Fed and the markets, says Krishna Guha from Evercore ISI.


  It intends to accelerate the pace of quantitative tightening (QT) in September with $95bn of monthly bond sales. It intends to drain liquidity from the world’s dollarised financial system, and the rest of us can drop dead. Fight this Fed if you dare.

 Source:24 August 2022 • 6:00am

2008年の「リーマン危機」を予見したので著名なルービニ(Nouriel Roubini)は実態は更に悪化するであろうと語っている。

There is ample reason to believe that the next recession will be marked by a severe stagflationary debt crisis. As a share of global GDP, private and public debt levels are much higher today than in the past, having risen from 200% in 1999 to 350% today (with a particularly sharp increase since the start of the pandemic). Under these conditions, rapid normalisation of monetary policy and rising interest rates will drive highly leveraged zombie households, companies, financial institutions, and governments into bankruptcy and default.

Source:The Guardian,  Thu 30 Jun 2022 07.00 BST


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